
Approximately 2 years ago I noticed these items at Costco (Windsor) and I purchased the chicken burgers. Last year I noticed the sausages and knowing how much I loved the burgers, I bought the sausages.
I stocked up on burgers and sausages to the point where 3 people stopped me in the store asking why I was buying so many. Thinking they were on sale.
It was simply because they are the absolute best chicken burgers/sausages I’ve ever had and I’m so sad they’re only seasonal at Costco. Legitimately the only reason I keep my Costco membership year round is for these items. I stocked up my freezer with them and have yet to make my way to Costco for the first time this year to see if they’re back.
Anyway, short story long, I absolutely love these products. I have got family and friends addicted to them. Strangers in Costco bought them because I was buying so many (lol).
I can’t wait to see if Costco has them again and if they don’t, I feel like they’re worth a 3 hour drive to locate them.

I just wanted to write to tell you how fantastic these products are. I look forward to them. So flavourful and juicy. The absolute best!!!
smile icon

Thank you
– Fan of Connie’s Kitchen products

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